Drive a meaningful impact on climate policy by empowering and mobilizing targeted populations that can materially shift policies.

awareness by connecting the dots
We will create 7 B2C-type awareness-building campaigns during the next 2 years to explain how the personal decisions we make (often because we have no other choice) affect climate, ecosystems and biodiversity, which in turn have painful personal consequences, whether financial or physical.
awareness into a global call-for-action
Public awareness is converted into a demand for politicians to declare a national climate emergency enabling the implementation of procedures & resources to enact regulation that address climate change, biodiversity loss and ecosystem degradation.
data-driven, results-focsed elections
Monitoring & publishing politicians' social & environmental legislative track-records using data provided by in-country watchdog partners to de-risks and encourage politicians to outperform each other to prove that they deserve public support at election time.

Together, we will give people something we all crave -
a sense of hope and agency over our shared future.